Thank you for choosing our hostel! We ask you to follow these rules in order to make your stay memorable and positive!
General provisions:
1. Check in time - no earlier than 14:00;
2. Check out time - before 12:00;
3. Place in the Hostel is available for:
citizens of the Russian Federation on presentation of:
- passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation;
- foreign passport;
- military ID card: for officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
- military service card: for the soldiers, sailors, sergeants and sergeant major, serving under call or contract;
- seafarer's passport: for citizens working in the Russian foreign-going ships or foreign ships;
foreign citizens on presentation of:
- passport of the foreign citizen or other document established by the Federal law or recognized in accordance with the International Treaty of the Russian Federation as the document proving the identity;
- migration card filled at the entrance to the Russian Federation, valid visa;
4. Only children over the age of 18 can live in the Hostel unaccompanied.
5. Payment for accommodation is charged in accordance with the checkout time - from 12 o'clock current day local time. In case of delay of departure the guest will pay in the following order:
no more than 6 hours after checkout time — hourly payment;
from 6 to 12 hours after checkout time — payment for half a day;
from 12 to 24 hours after checkout time — payment for the full day (if not paid hourly).
For one day stay (24 hours) the payment is taken for full day regardless checkout time.
6. Amount to charge as well as the form of payment is set by the Hostel administrative personnel.
7. The Administrative personnel of the Hostel have the right to assign/settle to the dormitory room guests, regardless of gender and age.
8. We inform you that according to the foreign citizens registration law of the Russian Federation you are obliged to register your stay in Russia within one day from the moment of crossing the border. Hostel “VLADSTAR Inn” provides chargeable services of registration. Required documents are passport, visa, and migration card.
9. Bedclothes and towels are included into the price of living in our Hostel. Bedclothes in rooms are changed on the fifth day of stay, or earlier for additional fee on demand. Wet cleaning of the rooms and taking out the garbage are daily.
Storage of Luggage and valuables:
1. Our guests can store their luggage on demand. Please, contact reception to know the cost of storage of the luggage.
2. It is recommended to store all valuable items. For this purpose our Hostel provides for the guests of dorm rooms special individual lockers.
3. Hostel administration is not responsible for not deposited items!
Hostel Policies:
1. When checking in to a Hostel our guest is given a set of keys consisting of:
- room key;
- electronic key to the entrance door to the Hostel (blue);
- the key to the individual locker.
The keys are given after deposit payment. Our deposit payment is 1000 RUB. When you check out and return all the keys your deposit payment is returned in full.
2. If you lose the keys to the room, individual locker and the entrance door, the deposit is not returned.
3. The Hostel rooms are cleaned once a day (from 12:00 to 14:00). We kindly ask you to leave the room for cleaning.
4. Guests can invite their friends to the Hostel from 10.00 till 22.00.
5. Be sure to observe silence and not disturb other guests from 23:00 till 9:00.
6. For damage of the Hostel property penalty is charged at the rate established by the Hostel administration.
7. Hostel administration has the right to refuse accommodation without explanation.
8. Leaders accompanying school groups are fully responsible for behavior of children in the Hostel.
9. The Hostel has hot water from the heater. So economize water when taking a shower.
10. Hostel is not responsible for urban services work (light, heat, water, etc.).
1. Smoking in Hostel complex.
5,000 rubles fine will be charged for Smoking in the room.
2. To drink alcohol according to the requirements of the Code of administrative violations of the Russian Federation. We don't host guests in a condition of strong alcoholic intoxication. In case of finding alcoholic drinks Hostel administration has the right to withdraw them.
3. To violate public order.
4. To enter to the receptionist place of work.
5. Visitors of the guest not living in the Hostel from 22.00 till 10.00 hours.
6. To go out to the terrace after 24.00.
7. To go out to the open terrace for children under 14 years without adults. The Hostel administration is not responsible for accidents in case of violation of this rule.
Hostel Administration has the right to evict guests for violation of the rules without refund for accommodation for the current day.
Rules in the kitchen of Hostel «VLADSTAR INN»
Dear guests! We take care of each of you and we would like you to take care of others!
Please read the rules in the kitchen of «VLADSTAR Inn».
1. The guests ensure order it the kitchen on their own.
2. Don’t leave knives, forks, spoons, plates, saucers, cutting boards, boxes of tea, cans of coffee, boxes, bags and other packing containers on the table after use.
3. We ask you to clean up the food after yourself.
4. If after eating on the dining table you left greasy stains, drops of liquid, and the crumbs, pieces of food, etc., do not take the trouble to eliminate the presence of the above-mentioned components.
5. Dishes in the kitchen are for all guests to use, so don’t take them to the rooms.
6. Don’t make noise after 22:00 in the kitchen please.
7. Avoid placing in the refrigerator items and food that can stain it, can be splattered, smeared, etc. The Administration has the right to throw out spoiled food.
8. Put food with a strong smell in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.
9. If you wish, you can sign your food.
10. Remember that the refrigerator is not intended for long-term storage, so do not forget that food sooner or later goes bad.
11. Don’t forget to throw out from the refrigerator unused products to the trash bin before leaving.
12. Do not eat other people's food!
We will be happy to assist you with any questions arising!